
Questionnaire for existing patients.

Questionnaire for new patients.


Telephone number:

+389 70 331 388


"Kata Pockova" 85, Strumica

Work hours:

Monday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00

Saturday 09:00 - 13:00



We have modern RTG digital devices for 2-D and 3-D diagnostics and focused digital intraoral imaging at the dental center. When reproducing a 2-D panoramic X-ray, a sophisticated MAGIC panoramic X-ray is created, which offers a transparent image. We offer the possibility of shooting an IN-SIGHT panoramic X-ray, which allows the doctor to look at a depth of 1.5 cm at the place of interest. The 2-D panoramic imaging procedure takes 7 seconds and is entirely comfortable for the patient. 3-D MRI imaging takes 18 seconds, and the images are immediately visible on the monitor. There is a possibility to record 2-D and 3-D panoramic X-rays on CD so that the patient can use them whenever and wherever he wants.

The shooting of the 3-D panoramic X-ray provides a clear insight into the bone and soft-tissue structures of the patient, and the data are used to reconstruct the three-dimensional image of the anatomy of the patient's oral cavity. This is especially important when planning the placement of implants, because accurate data and insights are obtained about the depth, width and density of the bone, the proximity of blood and nerve vessels, the placement of the sinus cavities, etc., which are extremely important to know when making accurate measurements before implant placement.

For orthodontic patients who have problems with crooked teeth, abnormalities in the growth and development of the jaws, we offer the possibility of imaging a Tele Roentgen recording, which is the best diagnostic tool for such cases. Because there is no waiting, the images are received immediately after the recording on CD media is completed, or we send the recording to you by e-mail.

Schedule an appointment

Explain the reason for your appointment.