
Questionnaire for existing patients.

Questionnaire for new patients.

Infection control

Telephone number:

+389 70 331 388


"Kata Pockova" 85, Strumica

Work hours:

Monday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00

Saturday 09:00 - 13:00


Sterilization and disinfection

Modern dentistry is based on teamwork. According to the specifics of their work, all team members are constantly exposed to diseases, many of which are dangerous. Today's dental doctrine requires all team members to implement hygienic-preventive measures to protect patients, but also themselves.

Protection is achieved through general and specific measures. General measures include disinfection and sterilization, as well as the use of disposable consumables during clinical examinations or diagnostic-therapeutic procedures.

The specific protection measures complement each other and are specific to certain segments of dentistry. The first and most important protection measure is washing the patient's hands before and after work with soap and water, as well as wearing disposable gloves, which means they change for each patient. After use, the gloves should be disposed of with waste products. Face masks and visors are the next essential elements in protection measures.

The instruments used inthe patient's mouth work at high speed and use cooling water. During their work, water, saliva, and often blood create aerosols, which is why it is necessary to prevent them from coming into contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, eyes, or skin face.

Masks used by dentists should cover the nasal and oral cavities, while visors cover the entire face. After each patient, visors are disinfected internally and externally. For hygienic reasons, the staff also wears work clothes and shoes.


After each patient, all work surfaces and the whole workplace are disinfected with disinfectants, where the patient sits, the dentist chair, the reflector, the dental suction unit, and the place where our instruments stand.


Sterilization is the process of destroying all kinds of microorganisms, bacteria, and viruses. Nowadays, heat in the form of dry air or saturated water vapor under pressure is used as a sterilizer. Due to some disadvantages of dry sterilization now, autoclaving sterilization (water vapor or wet heat) is recommended. Simplicity, speed, efficiency, and economy are the main advantages of autoclaving.

After the completed sterilization cycle, modern autoclaves provide accurate data on the success of sterilization and signal in case of a failed cycle, due to which the process is repeated. Essential to us is infection protection in our patients. All measures, methods, and procedures are taken for it to be at the highest level and according to the strictest protocols.

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