
Questionnaire for existing patients.

Questionnaire for new patients.


Telephone number:

+389 70 331 388


"Kata Pockova" 85, Strumica

Work hours:

Monday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00

Saturday 09:00 - 13:00



Bleeding gums, painfully sensitive, and reddened gingiva may indicate a milder or more severe form of gingivitis - periodontitis. After caries, the most common disease of the oral cavity in many people is inflammation of the periodontium. Periodontology is a branch of dentistry that deals with the study and treatment of the tooth-supporting apparatus, the so-called periodontium (gingiva, bone, cementum, and periodontal ligament).

In the first place, the leading cause of this disease is poor oral hygiene of the oral cavity, i.e., accumulation of bacteria (dental plaque), then tartar, leftover food, and shoddy prosthetic work. Periodontitis can also be an inherited disease. Periodontal diseases can also occur due to some systemic diseases (diabetes, leukemia, AIDS ...).


Periodontitis is an infection that affects the bone that holds teeth in place, leading to tooth loss. Millions of bacteria that live in our mouths can be the cause of periodontitis.

Statistics show that about 40% of people suffer from this disease. It is one of the most common causes of tooth loss in adult patients. This insidious disease often develops without symptoms, so many people do not know they have it until it is too late.

As the disease progresses and the pockets deepen, the periodontal ligament and supporting bone collapse, leading to loose teeth.

Apart from poor oral hygiene, the genetic component also plays an essential role in developing periodontitis. For preventing it, it is necessary to react in time and seek professional help.


The first symptom of gingivitis is redness and bleeding from the gingiva. It all starts with poor oral hygiene when plaque accumulates on the teeth - dental plaque around tooth necks full of bacteria. Next, dental plaque hardens, and tartar forms

If inflammation of the gingiva persists, the gingiva slowly separates from the tooth, and a periodontal pocket forms. Over time, due to poor oral hygiene, the periodontal pocket deepens, and the inflammation is transmitted to deeper structures.

Effect - After
Effect - Before

Gingivitis treatment

To cure gingivitis, and to prevent the occurrence and development of periodontitis, in addition to good oral hygiene, professional cleaning (removal of plaque and tartar), polishing of the teeth, and biostimulation of the epithelium with a soft-tissue diode laser are necessary.

In our practice, the initial periodontal therapy includes a thorough cleaning of hard (tartar) and soft (dental plaque) dental plaques and dental laser treatments. Laser therapy involves removing inflamed granulation tissue; the laser also acts bactericidal, virucidal and stimulates epithelialization and creating a new attachment between the root and soft tissue.

After detailed periodontal treatment, some patients need prosthetic therapy on the remaining teeth to further strengthen and expand their lifespan.

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