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Preventative Dentistry

Telephone number:

+389 70 331 388


"Kata Pockova" 85, Strumica

Work hours:

Monday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00

Saturday 09:00 - 13:00


Conservative denitistry (preservation of oral health)

Conservatism in dentistry refers to services that help maintain oral health and are part of oral hygiene, including tartar cleaning, dental treatment (endodontic treatment), repair of teeth affected by caries and their restoration with fillings.

Tartar removal

With proper oral hygiene we can preserve our teeth and prolong their life. Part of oral hygiene is tartar removal. During regular check-ups at the dentist, conditions that require professional teeth cleaning can be detected in time. Often, dental plaque forms on the surface of the teeth from the ingredients of food, drinks, in places where the teeth are not well cleaned. Initially, dental plaque is invisible, but later mineralizes (hardens) and turns into tartar, which may be white, dark brown, or black on the surface of the teeth.

Tooth discoloration is present in smokers and people who drink a lot of coffee and tea, and it is very difficult to remove with a brush and paste or cannot be removed at all. Teeth from the accumulation of dental plaque, discoloration or tartar become yellower, full of tartar or plaque, and thus there are more bacteria in the mouth, harmful to the teeth, gums and the whole organism.

Tartar is a hard layer on the teeth that is formed by mineralization of dental plaque. It is a white, yellowish or dark plaque on the teeth, most often visible on the inside of the lower front teeth. The dentist does a professional cleaning of the teeth, i.e., dental plaque removal from all teeth surfaces, because it causes inflammation, pain, gum recession, unpleasant breath, and disturbs the aesthetics.

Professional cleaning means selective removal of tartar and dental plaque from all tooth surfaces, emphasizing those areas that the patient usually neglects when cleaning. These are usually the interdental spaces and the inner surface of the lower front teeth.

The treatment is carried out with ultrasound instruments and is a painless procedure. In patients who do not have inflammation of the gums and periodontitis, a thorough professional cleaning is done twice a year to preserve the health of all oral structures.

In patients with problematic inflammatory conditions of the gums, it is necessary to clean the teeth more often and carry out special periodontal treatment of the tooth-supporting apparatus.

Endodontics (treatment of dental pulp inflammation)

Constant sensitivity to hot and cold and pain when chewing may indicate inflammation of the dental pulp. When caries bacteria penetrate deep inside the tooth, it becomes inflamed, often resulting in severe pain.

Sometimes the infection progresses slowly, so the inflammation of the pulp occurs gradually and painlessly. Inflammation of the dental pulp requires endodontic treatment, consisting mainly of removing the dental pulp from the root canals, cleaning, spreading, disinfecting them, filling the canals with unique material for that purpose, and finally, hermetically sealing the tooth with a permanent filling or dental crown.

Sometimes treatment cannot be performed successfully due to narrow impermeable root canals or previously badly treated teeth. Some such cases are successfully treated with apicoectomy (surgical removal of the root tip).

Effect - Before
Effect - After
Effect - Before
Effect - After

At Duo Dent, we work with the most modern instruments and materials. Magnifying glasses are used to the place we operate (the tooth), so we can locate all existing canals, find hard-to-reach or hidden canals, and we use the most sophisticated endo motors to spread, clean, and disinfect them. The canal filling occurs with the most modern biological materials and has no adverse effect on the human body, thereby applying the most contemporary work methods.

As a result of this modern approach to dental treatment, the outcome in a considerable percentage is thriving, resulting in satisfied patients..

Treatment of dental caries (tooth decay)

Dental caries is the most common disease of hard dental tissues, and we can prevent its happening because nutrition and oral hygiene play a significant role in its occurrence. The change of teeth that we perceive as a black spot, cavity or defect of the tooth is only a stage from the occurrence of dental caries under the action of numerous factors.

The occurrence of dental caries requires the action of several factors that lead to damage to the hard dental tissues. Among them, the most important are the bacteria from the dental plaque, the diet, and the time of action. Depending on the bactericidal activity, caries may progress faster or slower. Bactericidal activity largely depends on the presence of nutrients (sugars) in the mouth, i.e., the amount of dental plaque.

Caries occurs when the outer surface of the teeth - the enamel - is destroyed - eroded by bacteria from the dental plaque that produces acids. Due to the presence of bacteria in the food present in the mouth, plaque constantly accumulates on the teeth. Once caries occurs, the dentist can repair it, but it can be prevented by maintaining good oral hygiene.

Treatment of tooth decay involves removing caries and filling tooth defects with a restorative material. We recommend regular check-ups and dental examinations every six months (twice a year) in order to detect in time changes that can lead to more significant problems.

Conservative- dental fillings

At Duo Dent Dental Center, we use top-quality filling materials, guaranteeing the durability of the fillings and fulfillment of high aesthetic criteria. The fillings are identical in color and texture to the teeth.

Conservative or restorative dentistry covers the most common dental procedure - caries treatment. Tooth damage occurs with the appearance of caries that needs to be diagnosed and removed as soon as possible not to damage the pulp. Once the caries is removed, the damaged dental tissue is replaced with a composite filling that mimics the shape of the damaged part to maintain proper tooth function and aesthetics.

Working with children

The most valued patients in our dental center are the youngest and dearest - children. The provision of painless dental intervention is a fundamental prerequisite for successful work with children.

Not every child requires the same approach to work, so to achieve success in working with children, it is crucial to assess the psychological type of the child, to take into account the age, his previous experiences at the dentist, and to adjust it to the type and extent of the disease to be treated in the child.

. We practice safe and effective dental care for every child because our dental team is educated and can adjust the child's behavior in the dental practice, i.e., the ability to direct the child's behavior
The ability of our dental team to guide the child's behavior is just one segment of the interaction in which the dentist and the dental team, the child as a patient, and the parent are involved.

Managing young patient's behavior is as much an art as it is a science. It is a unique technique for young patients, practicing a comprehensive continuous method whose primary goal is to build, organize, and nurture trust between the child and the doctor, reducing the child's fear and anxiety.

During the work, we start with the psychological preparation of the child, first with the simplest dental interventions, and if there is a need, gradually directing it to the more complex ones. In children, particular emphasis is given to each child's learning to brush its teeth properly and eliminate from the diet those harmful habits and foods that contribute to decay, i.e., the development of dental caries. Working with children requires exceptional patience and preparation on a step-by-step basis, from easy to complex, from the known to the unknown, gaining the child's trust.

Regular and proper oral hygiene, healthy eating habits, and exogenous use of fluorides are gradually achieved. If it's routine, it gives significant effects that result in healthy teeth and relaxation of the child during dental interventions.

Due to their fast-paced lifestyle, most parents are increasingly neglecting to educate their children on how to brush their teeth properly, and most fail their children to maintain good oral hygiene on their own from an early age.
That is why children with quite inflamed gums, carious milk and permanent teeth often come to us at a very early age.

That is why it is necessary to visit us in time, to help you choose the right toothbrush, educate the child on how to clean the teeth properly, how long it takes cleaning the teeth, and how many times a day to repeat the procedure.

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